

Prospective tenants for our rental properties will be required to complete and return to us a Tenancy Application Form along with the documents listed in the application. It is a requirement that a prospective tenant inspects the property prior to submitting an application.

If you are a co-tenant, click on the link to view our Co-Tenancy Form.

Wright Dunn Real Estate’s tenancy agreements are consistent with the Residential Tenancies Act.

At the end of your tenancy you will need to give notice as prescribed in the Schedule. A notice of Intention to Vacate can be found here that you may choose to use.

Tenant Emergency Maintenance Procedure

*This list is for after hours EMERGENCY repairs only

As per the 1997 Residential Tenancies Act, we are required to provide a list of emergency tradespersons.


  1. Tenant must report the problem to Wright Dunn Real Estate Pty Ltd on our after hours contact number as stated below. Please leave your name, address, date and time you called, details of the emergency and what action you are taking.
  2. If the problem constitutes an emergency (refer the standard residential terms clause 61) please contact the appropriate tradesperson.
  3. Should you call a tradesperson other than those listed, the cost may not be met by the lessor if the repair is not deemed an emergency.
  4. This list of tradespersons is subject to change.
  5. Where there is damage caused by tenant neglect, the tenant is responsible for the tradespersons costs.
  6. Phone your Property Manager first thing the next working day to advise of the outcome.

Should you require any further information or clarification, please contact your Property Manager.

After Hours

Emergency Tradespersons

Ensure that you have referred to the attached instruction letter prior to arranging emergency maintenance.
Note that your first call must be to the agency after hours number as indicated below:

*Note: Please assess whether the situation really constitutes an emergency, before contacting a tradesperson.

Phone agency to advise       PETER ANDRIGHETTO                          0418 623 352

(This is only to log the emergency; you may not receive a return call)


Mastaflow Plumbing

Laser Plumbing

0408 689 9096169 3905

Mastaflow (Solar HW)

Laser Plumbing

0408 689 909

0455 923 338


Mastaflow Plumbing & Electrician

O’Brien Electrical Hume

6242 4445
0408 689 9096260 1906


(Temp. repair – TARP.)


Dayn’s Handyman Services Allsorts Property Maintenance

132 500

0401 904 347

0437 427 006


Discount Glass

Eddie Walewicz Glass

6253 1099

6280 5091



Night & Day

6290 1938

6280 6611



Carpet Doctor

All Class Carpet Care

0401 460 715

0488 822 273

0418 242 013


If your repairs/maintenance are not urgent you can fill in and send through a maintenance request form online by clicking here.

Handy Numbers

ACTEW Electricity Emergency 131 093
ACTEW Gas Emergency 131 909
EVO Energy 6248 3111
ICON Water Sewerage/Water & Stormwater Emergencies 131 193
SES 132 500
Police/Fire/Ambulance 000
Canberra Connect (will connect you to any government service) 132 281

Note: If you are unable to contact any of the above during an emergency, seek alternative tradespersons from the yellow pages